On a break from the 10K PLO

Billy the Croc and Tony G. with Gloria Balding. Tony says things are going bad, they used to come in limos. Tony says Croc’s been punished hard – Tony refers to getting older and slipping a bit with an eye on Croc.

Billy says he finished fourth in this event last year and he will try to make a good showing for the Aussies. And that at the start of the tournament they were eating at Smith & Wollensky’s Steak House and now they are looking for Subway tickets for meals.

Tony says that they scraped their last 10k together to get in the tournament and put in a couple of others. But they are bothing laughing as they jest about being broke. Tony says they’ll find some money somewhere.

Tony calls over the founder of ChipMeUp, Ryan Nathan. And the programmer Andrew – Tony jests and says Andrew is Ryan’s boyfriend.

Gloria asks about about ChipMeUp. Players sell pieces of themselves on ChipMeUp to people at home. Tony says they are trying to make some money for the punters at home. They are laughing about the auctions and they themselves are up to be auctioned off at ChipMeUp.

They head out for dinner, is it Subway or Smith & Wollensky’s?


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