While waiting for the updated version of my own site to be launched, I have been spending some time at FullTilt Poker playing the largest games. FullTilt, along with PokerStars, are now dominating the market for sites who allow USA players.
My own site is the best if you are outside the USA and I will be playing a lot with lots of new existing bounty tournaments and free rolls so make sure you download the newest version of TonyG.Poker.
At FullTilt things have been going pretty well. I am up a nice amount over the last few days and enjoying the game. The amount of railbird chat and support is phenomenal and that is really a fun part of the game. I’ve been playing 1k-2k Hi Lo, 200-400 PLO and 500-1000 NLH. I had a bad run on the PLO but did very well on the other two games. I am not sure if any of the pros win that much. I think the money just goes around in circles apart from Patrick Antonious who is the FullTilt vacuum cleaner; the rest just plug away and wait for opportunities to feed Patrick.
Mike the Mouth has been around the place but only as an observer, but he is a lot of fun even in that role. Gus has played a little. The guy that has been there most is David Benyamin who is very, very solid and I would also put him down as winner in that game. For me, I am a fun party guy, not really looking to win, just enjoying the ride.
I am in Lithuania now catching up with family after an extended exodus in Australia. The WSOP is nearing and a few trips around EU are in store; a few little events on TV and I will plug away online. It will be fun. I can’t wait for my new account to be set up fully on my site and then I will be there playing – until then I will be around FullTilt.